someone named benny

i'll have a website up soon enough, but i want to capitalize on my domain name. enjoy for now.

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Location: lakewood, california, United States

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I told myself today.
Don't fall for her, don't fall for her.
Please. At least not yet.
While things are convenient and barriers are all in place.
Barriers. Remember that?
Remember what needs to be guarded, what choices you made?
Remember what promises made keep these barriers in place?
She's nice, absolutely, no doubt about that.
Nice girls place top on your list.
You can see where she stands and what she lives for.
What she personifies and how she inspires.
She's different from the rest, isn't she?
You're interested. You know that much.
But don't, please. Do NOT fall for her.
Do all you can in your power to prevent that.
Don't daydream, don't sit and wonder.
Don't glamorize any possibility of a future.
Don't you even dare plan out your own spontaneity.
Hell, don't even mention her name.
Because your mind and your heart are closer to each other than you suspect.
Because you fall too hard. Way too early.
You give too much. You give in too easily.
Too early in this game.
The halls of your heart are littered with the crumbled pedestals of broken loves.
You placed them there. You shouldn't have, but now they're there.
Please, you've gone through this phase before.
Let this be different.
If not for yourself, for her.
Don't ever let her fall victim to your resentment.
She will become both your muse and your villain.
And she wouldn't even know a thing.
One day you can. One day you just might.
It's soon enough. Sooner than you think.
But right now, right now, don't.
If you won't protect your own heart, fine.
Protect her from yours.