someone named benny

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Location: lakewood, california, United States

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My friend's girlfriend broke up with him Sunday night. He's doing fine, and he even has gained a new perspective on love based on 1 Corinthians 13. He wrote a blog entry about it. This was my comment:

Love is ACTION. It's not just words. People forget that. It's not this abstract idea floating about, where everyone and anyone can have their own say about what it is, and how we can gain it.

Contrary to popular notion, love is tangible. It can measured. Love is measured by how much you give for the other, not so much as what you promise or intend or feel or dream. If you love little, you give little. If you love much, you WILL give much. You will even give your own life, much as a mother would take a bullet for her own child. That's how much love costs.

Anybody who ever lets the words "I love you" escape from their lips must have the strength and decency to back those words up. Anybody who says those words as a passing thought, without doing what is necessary to substantiate them is a LIAR and a HYPOCRITE.

In the divine perspective, let's remind ourselves that "For God so loved the world that He GAVE ..." Not "is going to give" or "could give."

And what did He give? That which cost Him the most: His own Son.

Maybe it's time we redeemed those three words from their postmodern worthlessness.


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